The Drowning of Dub
By F. Lennox Campello

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original drawing by Campello
"The Drowning of Dub"
Charcoal on Paper, c. 2009
10 ft x 4.5 ft
In a private collection in San Diego, CA
(A smaller study for this commission is available)

The drawing depicts the drowning of the Celtic witch Dub or Dub(h). She was married to the elf Énna and was very jealous. Upon learning that her husband Énna had taken a second wife named Áíde, Dub cast a spell on the second wife and drowned Áíde and all of her family. Seeing this, Áíde's servant threw a rock at Dub, hit her on the head and Dub fell into the same pool and also drowned. Dublin is named after the place where she drowned. Lin or Linn in Gaelic is "Pool" ("Dub" means "Black"). Thus Dub + Lin equals Dublin or Dub's Pool.

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